
There is a deep sadness in my heart as these words travel through my fingertips and onto the screen. I thought I had hoped I would be able to re-open the shop by October or November for all of your holiday needs.  I had hoped. I was wrong. I apologize for any inconvenience this may…

There Is More To Me Than Depression

Originally posted on Sidereal Catalyst:
I started this blog to create a safe and comfortable space to talk about depression.  A place for venting, sometimes wallowing, a place for conversation, for creating awareness, for understanding, processing, educating, connecting and for encouragement.  This blog is not just for myself, but it is for anyone who wants to…

A New Blog Is Born

I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks. I talked about it >>>HERE<<< and welcomed your kind opinions. I spent some time considering a name, picking a theme and setting a few things up. I have already transferred some of the relevant posts from here over to there. If any of you amazing, wonderful,…

Is It Time To Disconnect?

I am changing. As a person, as a blogger…. I mean, this is normal, we all change.  In fact, we’re all always changing. As I mentioned in Making Jewelry Is The Least of My Concerns, I’ve stepped away from making jewelry.  Maybe I will find my passion for it again, maybe I won’t.  Only time will…

Share Your World – 2015 Week #28

What is your favorite comfort snack food? If you had to spend one weekend alone in a single store but could remove nothing, which store would you pick? (except food or beverage) What was the largest city you have been to?  What is the one thing you remember most? Finish this sentence:  It has recently…

It Never Leaves My Side

It’s a war that can’t be won only fought It’s a pain that burns fresh and it burns deep It’s a disease that hides behind *To read more please click >>> HERE <<< (as of 8/5/15) XOXO  

Caveat: Feelings Ahead

It has been brought to my attention that some friends and family are concerned about some of the more negative things I’ve written on my blog.  They are worried that it will affect a possible job opportunity in the future, if read by a prospective employer.  I do understand and realize that anyone can read…